Sunday, July 20, 2008

Parable of the Sower

Two ways of looking at this passage:
1. We are the sower: We cast our seeds of whatever sort or variety out into the world.
And, we can rely on the maxim…. “That which you sew, so shall you reap” & “put out positive energy in the world”

If we sew seeds of kindness, justice, generosity, it will come back to us many fold. It will produce harvests of goodness, joy & abundance in our lives.

Like the sower, the seed goes everywhere. There is no narrow sowing in only one place or type of soil.

So, too, we should just cast our seeds freely & generously. Because, you never know who will be receptive.

2. God is the sower & the Divine seed is being sewn in us. What kind of soil is there? Is our soil receptive & cultivated, ready to harvest & grow?

Or is it rocky, trod on & weed filled? Do we water it? Remove the rocks. Take time to cutivate….Be still, worship, Receive. Refresh…
So…one illustration & A couple of Applications:

Illustration first…..

In the church where he worshiped there was a lonely old man, old Thomas. He had outlived all his friends and hardly anyone knew him. When Thomas died, this friend had the feeling that there would be no one to go to the funeral so he decided to go, so that there might be someone to follow the old man to his last resting-place.There was no one else, and it was a miserable wet day. The funeral reached the cemetery, and at the gate there was a soldier waiting. An officer, but on his raincoat there were no rank badges. He came to the grave side for the ceremony, then when it was over, he stepped forward and before the open grave swept his hand to a salute that might have been given to a king. The friend walked away with this soldier, and as they walked, the wind blew the soldier's raincoat open to reveal the shoulder badges of a brigadier general.The general said, "You will perhaps be wondering what I am doing here. Years ago Thomas was my Sunday School teacher; I was a wild lad and a sore trial to him. He never knew what he did for me, but I owe everything I am or will be to old Thomas, and today I had to come to salute him at the end." Thomas did not know what he was doing.No preacher or teacher ever does. Keep sowing the seed. We can leave the rest to God,
& Now the Application….

At the recent 4th of July Parade, both in Lansdowne & East Lansdowne, a small group from the church walked as a presence from the church.

Not only was it “letting our light shine”, but also…sewing seeds in the world.

We made over 1000 invitations and handed all them out.

We scattered them. We didn’t know the condition of the “soil of their souls”.

Ours is not to judge. Ours is to serve. One might ask: Did it work?

That is a tough question with no easy answer. So, I leave it in God’s hands.

My favorite phrase is: “We are not called to be Successful, we are called to be Faithful”!

So, I’ve made a bunch of Invitations now for you! Remember, you were commissioned last week with the Yoke of Christ.

Now go & serve. Now go & Sew.

Invite, Encourage, Be a Shining Example of Faith & Love.

And always remember. “It is more Blessed to Give then to Receive.”

There is a story about an old man who always had witty and wise answers for people who asked him anything.

Once, a smart-aleck came to him with his hands covering something he was holding. He told the sage that he had a small, newly hatched bird in his hands.

He challenged the old man to tell him whether the bird was alive or dead. He, of course, planned to prove the old man wrong, because if he said the bird was dead, he would simply open his hands to expose a perfectly healthy baby bird. But if he said the bird was alive, then he would crush the bird before opening his hands. The old man proved wiser than he thought, because he said, "The bird is whatever you choose him to be."

And that's the way it is with the kingdom of God. The choice for the kingdom to live or die is within your grasp. What do you chose?

I invite you to choose abundant generosity.

I invite you to choose :

A life of giving, blessing & caring

Of…. sewing seeds of hope, wisdom, justice & love.

And, I invite you to open yourselves to the Divine Word.

“Take time to be Holy, Speak oft with the Lord.”

Allow God’s seeds to root & grow in you.

Cultivate and nurture your inner garden. Water the seed. Rake away the rocks. Don’t let the weeds choke and take over.

Practice His Presence, for in so doing, God can work in you…to produce a harvest….

30-fold, 60-fold or 100-fold.

Abudance is ours to have & share. To give & receive.

Do so freely, abundantly & joyfully…
this day & always.

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