Thursday, July 17, 2008

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Two stories to start my “worry sermon”

There were two men shipwrecked on an island. The minute they got to the island, one of them started screaming and yelling, ‘We’re going to die! We’re going to die! There’s no food! NO water! We’re going to die!”
The second man, in a quite relaxed manner, propped himself up against a palm tree. He was acting so calmly, it drove the first man crazy. He began to shout, ‘Don’t you understand? We’re going to die!”
The second man replied, “You don’t understand. I make $100,000 a week.”
The first man looked at him quite dumbfounded and asked, “What difference does that make? We’re on an island with no food and no water. We’re going to DIE!”
The second man, with great serenity, answered, “You just don’t get it. I make $100,000 a week, and I tithe 10 percent of the $100,000 to the church. I have no worry whatsoever. My pastor will find me!”
And…Here is a classic church bulletin-blooper:
Don't let worry kill you off ‑ let the church help.
Surprisingly, worrying isn’t just a modern American thing.
It is as ancient as humanity itself.
Course, back then…when living on the edge, you had to worry about food for the day. Would you catch a rabbit or bird to eat. Would the elements wipe away your house & home.
Today, we worry more about gas prices, rent, mortgage payments, jobs, pensions & heath-care issues.

In all these, we can obsess & stress.
I know I worry about kids being out late at night. Will they grow up to be responsible adults? Have I done the best for them?
Am I the son, husband, dad or pastor I am supposed to be?
Will the church grow, will we meet the budget, will we be the living Christ for a broken world?
It’s easy to worry. In a way…Faith & Trust are harder.
And, as we look at this issue, what we don’t want to say is….Not worrying means…not doing anything.
When I first looked at the passage, I was realizing it was on Memorial Day weekend.
My first thought was…the soldiers who fought and died in wars to protect our freedom….didn’t just say…
“Oh, I’m not going to worry about Hitler” or Stalin, or that the Japanese bombed us. I’m not going to worry about economic ruin or injustice.
And then…just bury their head in the sand.
Valiant soldiers died for us…so we don’t have to worry.
I can only imagine the worry in a foxhole or a ship before war. I can only imagine the worry before a big battle or impending launch.
But worry didn’t immobilize those brave ones.
And, worry need not immobilize us. Worry didn’t mean …taking no action. It just means putting it into the proper perpective.
Jesus said…look at the birds…they neither sew nor reap. Look at the lilies of the field. They neither toil or fret. God takes care of them. Be not anxious for tomorrow, let today’s anxiety fill today.
This is not a call to abandon work or effort or action.
It is a call to work hard and trust even harder.
Toil & Sew & Reap as the Lord gives you ability & strength.
But let Go & let God.
Birds work hard for their food. So should we.
Churches, countries, homes don’t just exist but happenstance.
They exist because of initiative, vision, passion, love & care.
Worry & anxiety are to be expected. But, focus on it…only for today.
As someone put it: “Don’t live to eat. Eat to live.”
We were made for a mission. There is a greater mission for our lives than eating and drinking and nesting. In the words of Jesus, we were put here to “seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” (V.33).
And all these things will be added unto you.
Work Hard & Trust Harder. Be thankful for the sacrifice of others….. For the worry and toil & care that were given to make us what we are. in praise, in thanksgiving & in abiding countenance of God’s Love & Grace. Amen.

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