Sunday, April 6, 2008

"In our New Beginnings, Chirst Abides With Us"

“Truth must dazzle gradually, or every man be blind.”
Emily Dickinson
The quote embodies out passage for today.
It is the classic story to “The Emmaus Road”.
Two disciples walking along the path…one named Cleopas, the other unnamed. Two that are dejected, afraid, in despair.
Their destination…Emmaus, a town about 7 miles from Jerusalem.
Along the path…a mysterious traveler joins up with them.
Here is where we see what Emily Dickenson said is right…Truth must dawn on us…not be too much at once.
The disciples are dazed & confused. They are sad, and wondering what to think.
Their beloved Lord..the one in whom they put all their trust and hope….had just died as a common criminal.
We can all probably relate to these folks. They are feeling depression & grief. We all know what it feels like to be sad after the death of a loved one.
This was compounded by despair because their Savior…had been killed. Leader of the movement.
Slowly, the new walking guide began to explain how these things had to happen.
Like a new day dawning, their understanding began to unfold and open up.
Then, just when it was almost dark they arrived at their destination.
They mysterious traveler was going to be going on…but as the text says…..they “constrained him to stay”.
So, he joined them for supper. In a scene perhaps like the Upper Room with Thomas….
They were eating a meal reminiscent of the Last Supper. They shared the cup & then the loaf.
And in doing so…suddenly their eyes were opened. The recognized Jesus as the one in their midst.
But, just as with Thomas, he vanished from their midst.
“Didn’t out hearts burn within us” they said when he was on the road…& in here, revealing to us his mystery.
Again…Emily Dickenson…“Truth must dazzle gradually, or every man be blind.”
Jesus let the truth sink in gradually….and light was then revealed.
We can all related to this story, for it reminds us of our New Beginnings. That’s what was going on with the Disciples….
It was a new beginning for them. Jesus had died and they were facing the future now without their trusted companion & friend. Without leader & guide.
Think back to some of the New Beginnings you’ve had…
Perhaps in a new school. Or new job, new relationship. Perhaps it was starting over after a divorce or death.
New beginnings can be quite scary. We feel vulnerable and lost.
But perhaps we need to remember, like those early disciples, we are not left alone…but the Risen Christ is with us….don’t always see
David E. Leininger, wrote in East of Easter, the following about the famous hymn…Abide With Me..

In the King James Version of the Bible, the invitation of the two travelers reads, "Abide with me; for it is toward evening and the day is far spent," words which were the inspiration for that beloved hymn, "Abide with me/Fast falls the eventide." The hymn was written by Henry Francis Lyte, for 25 years the vicar of the parish at Devonshire, England. He was 54 years old, broken in health and saddened by dissensions in his congregation. On Sunday, September 4, 1847 he preached his farewell sermon and went home to rest. After tea in the afternoon, he retired to his study. In an hour or two, he rejoined his family, holding in his hand the manuscript of his immortal hymn.

Despite what most think, Lyte's "eventide" has nothing to do with the end of the natural day but rather the end of life. "Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day/Earth's joys grow dim, its glories pass away." The words are about the faith that face life and death fearlessly and triumphantly in the light of the cross and the empty tomb....East of Easter. Thus Lyte could conclude, "Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee/In life, in death, O Lord, abide with me." Vicar Lyte died three months later.

Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.
Walk beside me and be my friend. Albert Camus

These words bring to mind lots of wonderful hymns of faith….
“What a friend we have in Jesus”…all our sins & griefs to bear”…..In Jesus, we have a companion, a friend, who is with us in all things. One who will never leave us or abandon us.

We also sing….

“This is a Day of New Beginnings”…time to remember and move on…

In faith we gather round the table, to taste and share what love has can do…

This day, we gather in a room as followers of Jesus. We too will break bread, share the cup.

Faithful followers accompanied by unknown guests…..

And as we break the bread & share the cup….may our eyes be opened too.

Opened to mystery. To Love. To God’s presence in our midst. For indeed, The Lord of Life…Abides With Us.

Jesus is with us…always by our side. Revealing mystery. Giving Hope. With us in our New Beginnings. Now & Always! Amen.

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