Monday, July 20, 2009

Jesus, Elivs, MJ, Sarah & You!

I called my sermon for this week: "Jesus, Elvis, MJ, Sarah, Barack & us".

It seems to me that this story has jesus being so popular, the crowds rush around the lake to find him. No rest for the weary.

How do the most popular people in our society deal with their celebrity status? Do they stay centered like Jesus or do they OD, come unglued, quit, or thrive (Elvis & MJ od, Sarah quits & Barack thrives)(imho)

How bout us? We are popular necessarily, but there are pressures, people pressing in, etc.

Beyond Retreat (going away to a quiet place), what does Jesus or the text instruct us to do to stay centered and strong for the journey?

Earlier in the sixth chapter of Mark, Jesus had sent the disciples with authority to cast out demons. They went in pairs and were able to do much good and cure people. The disciples returned from these travels, gathering around Jesus to share stories of their ministry.

Wisely, Jesus invited the group to retreat to a deserted place for rest. They needed time away from those in need, so they might have vitality and strength to continue to minister. None of them had time to eat, let alone rest.
1. Do you sense the disciples were open to retreating to a deserted place?
2. What is helpful about a retreat?

Our lives can get so busy that we spin out of control. We become human doings, rather than human beings. The disciples were involved in exciting ministry, healing people as they traveled through the villages. They didn’t even take time to eat.
1. Can you relate to these disciples?
2. Describe times in your life when you were too busy to eat.

Jesus invited the disciples to join him on a retreat. He sensed they needed time away in order to continue ministry in the future. He chose a deserted place for the group to gather.
3. Where do you go to find a deserted place?
4. What are your experiences or impressions of participating in a retreat?
5. What are the benefits of a retreat?

Consider those areas in your life needing healing by Jesus. Take a moment of silent prayer as you return to Jesus for healing. In many ways, times of extended silent prayer can become a mini-retreat to restore our spirits until we are able to intentionally get away for a longer period of time.
1. What are some choices you can make for health?
2. How does a healthy lifestyle reflect well on Jesus?

Spirit of God, send your healing touch to sooth my spirit, calm my heart, and restore my energy. Amen

Jesus renewed people with the power of his compassion. I like the ancient legend about the monk who found a precious stone, a precious jewel. A short time later, the monk met a traveler, who said he was hungry and asked the monk if he would share some of his provisions. When the monk opened his bag, the traveler saw the precious stone and, on an impulse, asked the monk if he could have it. Amazingly, the monk gave the traveler the stone.

The traveler departed quickly, overjoyed with his new possession. However, a few days later, he came back, searching for the monk. He returned the stone to the monk and made a request: "Please give me something more valuable, more precious than this stone. Please give me that which enabled you to give me this precious stone!"

One man challenged another to an all-day wood chopping contest. The challenger worked very hard, stopping only for a brief lunch break. The other man had a leisurely lunch and took several breaks during the day. At the end of the day, the challenger was surprised and annoyed to find that the other fellow had chopped substantially more wood than he had. "I don't get it," he said. "Every time I checked, you were taking a rest, yet you chopped more wood than I did."

"But you didn't notice," said the winning woodsman, "that I was sharpening my ax when I sat down to rest."